Tuesday, 16 August 2011

my 2nd pOem entitled "in the midst of my..."

In the midst of my loneliness..
where can i find love..?
if love is all we need, then..
why is it too far to reach..?
am i here to be a victim?
..or am i here to be a lover..?
i know a lover is for a lover..
..and a soul is for a soul..
doesn't that what i have been told,
to bring smile for those who mourn..

In the midst of my darkness..
where can i find that precious light?
what is light for light..
light is good for darkness alone..
light up my soul and ill raise up yours..
bring hope to the damn, give life to the dead..
and you will reach..
what they call faith...

In the midst of my trouble..
who was there to deliver..?
i walk alone in fear..until
i realize that He was here..
He come to me near, and i can hear
His name is Saviour..
He bring me flower, and make me His follower..
i bring victory to the loser..
and proclaim it as loud as thunder..
now i'm not a "troubler"
but truly a believer...

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